Accept Reality

Say that I am  realistic ....

I don't have undue expectations.

I am a down to earth person.

I have my dreams and imaginations. But I never live there. I do my best to make my dreams come true.

If I don't get what I want, I'm happy with what I have.

There is nothing in this world that I can't get.

There is nothing what I have I can't lose, except my own self.

The reality is I don't own anything in this world including my body, mind and soul.

Whatever I inherited I will have to pass on to the others..

I am enjoying the benefits of those who thought about us while they were living on earth.

I too must sow something, so that the future generation would reap the benefit.


"Expect nothing and life will be velvet."

A matured person accepts reality and does what he can with what he has.

Everyday in every way I am becoming better and better - Emiel Coue 

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